April 22, Earth Day with Integrative Wellness

Buuk Soluções de Comunicação LTDA

April 19, 2024

The journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle starts with awareness of the impacts our daily choices have on the environment


Today, in particular, is a day to remember that our planet is home to us and a diversity of species. We invite you to know the origin of this date and remember the importance of preserving the Earth for the good of all. 


Created in 1970 by the then American senator Gaylord Nelson, the date was marked by a large protest call in the United States. The event was a great success and had about 20 million people concerned about the negative impacts that humans cause on the environment, with the main focus on pollution. 


At Integrative Wellness, we are committed to offering quality products for health and well-being respecting science, humanity and our beloved planet Earth

The journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle starts with awareness of the impacts our daily choices have on the environment. Choosing natural and sustainable products not only benefits our health, but also contributes to the preservation of the Earth for future generations.

Choices to care for yourself and planet Earth:
















Celebrate this date with gratitude for our planet Earth and commitment to its protection and preservation. 

Together, we make a difference;
One conscious step at a time!

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