- Restore and maintain the levels of healthy gut flora.
- Exclusive blend of NCFM®, LGG® and Bi-07 with oligofructose.
- Powdered probiotic for easy, flexible dosing.
Clinical benefits:
- Ultra Flora Plus is for everyday use and may help increase and maintain the balance of healthy gut flora in the gastrointestinal tract.
- The specific strains in Ultra Flora Plus are acid, bile and pancreatin resistant for safe transit through the gastrointestinal tract, allow successful colonisation of healthy flora.
- Oligofructose promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria by providing a fuel source for healthy flora.
- The strains in Ultra Flora Plus may assist in maintaining a healthy digestive system via stabilising tight junctions and inhibiting invasion of human intestinal cells by enterovirulent bacteria, inhibiting mucosal adhesion of enteropathogens by competitive exclusion and producing acetic, lactic and propionic acid, lowering the pH which resulted in inhibition of growth of a wide range of bacteria.
- Contains an exclusive blend of probiotic strains, NCFM®, LGG® and Bi-07 that have been extensively studied with proven results.